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animal society oakville and milton humane society durham region humane society gananoque humane society regina humane society lakeland humane society second chance animal rescue heavenly creatures whistler animal shelter d’arcy’s a.r.c. just listed most popular random ads / just listed whistler animal shelter animal shelters | shelter listings | august 14, 2013 whistler animals galore (wag) was founded in 1982 when two friends identified the need for an animal rescue service in the sea-to-sky corridor. since then, wag ... 694 total views, 0 today richmond animal protection society animal shelters | shelter listings | august 14, 2013 richmond animal protection society (raps) is a registered charity that operates two shelters in richmond, british columbia. our first shelter, on no. 6 road in ... 596 total views, 0 today fraser valley humane society animal shelters | shelter listings | august 14, 2013 the fraser valley humane society was first formed in the summer of 1999, when the fraser valley (bc, canada) was put on flood alert. with the cooperation of... 539 total views, 0 today delta community animal shelter animal shelters | shelter listings | august 14, 2013 delta community animal shelter (dcas) is a branch of the property use and compliance division of the corporation of delta and meets approximately 800 animals ea... 643 total views, 0 today creston pet adoption society animal shelters | shelter listings | august 14, 2013 the creston pet adoption and welfare society (paws) is a registered charity established in 1996. we are a volunteer based organization committed to finding saf... 472 total views, 0 today tails to tell animal rescue animal shelters | shelter listings | august 14, 2013 our story begins with edna jackson, who opened her critter’s pet supply shop in crossfield in 2006. soon after, she rescued a local stray and let him live in he... 451 total views, 0 today second chance animal rescue animal shelters | shelter listings | august 14, 2013 who we are second chance animal rescue society (scars) is a non-profit edmonton and athabasca based registered charity that is operated solely by volunteers... 375 total views, 0 today pincher creek humane society animal shelters | shelter listings | august 14, 2013 we are a volunteer, non-profit organization with charitable status located in pincher creek, alberta. our mission is to find loving homes and ensure a sa... 411 total views, 0 today meow foundation animal shelters | shelter listings | august 14, 2013 founded in 2000, meow foundation is a specialized cat-focused registered charity and humane society with a no-kill mandate. we rescue and facilitate the adoptio... 426 total views, 0 today medicine hat spca animal shelters | shelter listings | august 13, 2013 mission statement the mission of the medicine hat society for the prevention of cruelty to animals is to provide protective care for sick, injured, homeless ... 571 total views, 0 today view more listings ads / most popular ontario standardbred adoption society animal shelters | shelter listings | august 11, 2013 the ontario standardbred adoption society (osas) is an approved charitable organization, founded in 1996 to assist in the adoption and relocation of retired and... 3769 total views, 25 today gimli humane society animal shelters | shelter listings | august 12, 2013 the gimli humane society (formerly the gimli animal shelter) was created in 2004 by an animal control officer who decided that euthanizing unclaimed dogs was wr... 1605 total views, 1 today gananoque humane society animal shelters | shelter listings | august 11, 2013 we are a no kill humane society, affiliated with the ontario spca since 1992, and registered as a canadian charitable organization. by no kill we mean exactly t... 1289 total views, 3 today timmins humane society animal shelters | shelter listings | august 11, 2013 who we are the timmins humane society is a non profit organization and registered charity (number 87246 6198 rr0001). also an affiliate of the ontario societ... 1176 total views, 0 today shaid tree animal shelter animal shelters | shelter listings | august 12, 2013 the s.h.a.i.d. tree shelter society provides temporary care and shelter to helpless animals in distress, be they abandoned, homeless or relinquished and we plac... 997 total views, 1 today carleton county animal shelter animal shelters | shelter listings | august 12, 2013 the carleton county animal shelter was founded in 1995. since then it has housed and re-homed hundreds of dogs and cats from all over western new brunswick. ... 973 total views, 0 today nova scotia spca animal shelters | shelter listings | august 12, 2013 the mission of the nova scotia spca is to prevent abuse, neglect and cruelty to animals, and provide for province-wide leadership on matters that promote and im... 823 total views, 0 today upper credit humane society animal shelters | shelter listings | august 11, 2013 the original name of the upper credit humane society (uchs) was the erin and hillsburgh and district humane society (ehdhs). the ehdhs was founded as a branch o... 707 total views, 0 today whistler animal shelter animal shelters | shelter listings | august 14, 2013 whistler animals galore (wag) was founded in 1982 when two friends identified the need for an animal rescue service in the sea-to-sky corridor. since then, wag ... 694 total views, 0 today kitchener – waterloo humane society animal shelters | shelter listings | august 11, 2013 saving lives since 1927 the kitchener-waterloo & north waterloo humane society is one of the largest humane societies in ontario serving one of the fastest-g... 643 total views, 0 today view more listings ads / random the north bay humane society animal shelters | shelter listings | august 11, 2013 since 1954, the north bayand district humane society has been a key service provider within our community. as a registered charity, we rely heavily on donation... 444 total views, 0 today moose jaw humane society animal shelters | shelter listings | august 13, 2013 the moose jaw humane society is made up a group of dedicated staff and volunteers that tirelessly support the community. on this page you can read our mission s... 408 total views, 0 today mississauga humane society animal shelters | shelter listings | august 11, 2013 we strive to save as many unwanted animals as possible regardless of background, age, health and/or behavioural issues. our goal is to find each of our rescued ... 365 total views, 1 today winnipeg pet rescue shelter animal shelters | shelter listings | august 12, 2013 the winnipeg pet rescue shelter is manitoba'